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Friday, December 8, 2017

He Kidnaps 6-Year-Old and The doctors Horrified By What He Put Inside Her

Edis Moya Alas, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, snuck into a southeast Fort Worth, Texas home and kidnapped a sleeping 6-year-old girl. When her father realized his precious daughter was missing, he immediately called the police, who would be left absolutely horrified to discover what the man had put inside the innocent girl.

Alas took the child without her parents realizing that she was missing until the morning. When the girl’s father awoke around 5 am, he discovered that their front door was wide open and his precious baby girl was gone, prompting him to call the police.

A search and rescue party quickly formed and began to look in the immediate area for the young girl. Nearly 8-hours later, she was discovered after a man heard screams coming from the woods, but finding the child would be met with horror as police realized what the sick immigrant had put inside her, causing her chilling screams. Unfortunately, after kidnapping the young girl and taking her to the woods, Alas decided to rape the innocent child, forcing himself inside her small frame.

Once the coward was spotted by police, he tried to flee. “He hid from officers. There wasn’t much of an area for him to run back there,” explained Fort Worth Police Capt. Deven Pitt, according to Daily Mail. As for the girl, she immediately ran towards the police for help. “She was very scared,” Pitt said. “She was very nervous. She obviously didn’t get to where she was by herself.”

Once police located Alas in the woods, he was arrested and placed in the Mansfield Jail on a $200,000 bond. It was learned that he did not have proper documentation and is in our nation illegally.

There is nothing more infuriating than the thought of a child getting raped by a sick man who shouldn’t even be in our country, making it a crime that was completely preventable if our leaders cared enough about the safety of American citizens to secure our borders. When you hear about stories like this, where American lives are being ruined at the hands of illegal immigrants, Donald Trump’s wall doesn’t sound so “cruel” and “inhumane” anymore, does it?



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